This weekend, I did a full dress rehearsal for my first two-stage launch, which will hopefully take place next weekend. I ended up with notes scribbled over every page of the checklist, and found several problems that were much easier to fix now than later.
This flight will be on an I285 staging to an I175 and should reach about 7500 feet AGL. The sustainer will carry an Altus Metrum TeleMega and a Mobius video camera, and use dual deployment with a streamer at apogee and a Spherachutes 48″ ultralight parachute at 750 feet. The booster will have an Altus Metrum EasyTimer and a BigRedBee radio beacon, deploying a 30″ Top Flight thin-mill X-type parachute using a Jolly Logic Chute Release.
This will be, by far, the most complex flight I’ve tried. If this goes well, the next one will have a J425 staging to a J150 and should get to around 13500 feet AGL.